Weight Loss Melbourne

Many people mistakenly refer to hypnotherapy as “alternative medicine”. In fact, it was first adopted as an “orthodox” medical treatment in 1892, by the British Medical Association. This was ratified again in 1955. The current accepted definition of a hypnotherapist is, “a therapist who utilizes hypnosis as a primary tool for assisting clients to achieve their goals. A hypnotherapist often differs from other therapists by focusing on the role of subconscious behaviors and influences on a client’s life”.Hypnotherapy has the ability to empower people to change their lives for the better; it is a proven and extremely effective solution for many problems.

A recent study (1) concluded that if a patient used treatment for their condition, in the form of medication (Valium, sleeping tablets, pain killers etc), targeted products (weight loss shakes, diet pills, nicotine patches etc), or “self-help” (books, tapes, exercise equipment etc), the initial success rate of these treatments was 27%. If hypnotherapy was included as part of the initial treatment, then the success rate more than doubled, to 74%. The study found that if a person was serious about wanting to take back control of their physical body, the best weapons they had was their own subconscious mind, and their hypnotherapist. 

In order to access the subconscious in the best way for hypnotherapy to work, a person must be in a deep state of relaxation. When we are alert, our brain waves are known as Beta. During hypnotherapy, a person is gradually brought into a deeply relaxed state, generating brain waves known as Theta. This is where the subconscious functions, and accessing it directly via relaxation is the reason why hypnotherapy works. People are more receptive to ideas and suggestions while relaxed, sleeping, or in a trance.ImageImageImageImage

Lap Band Melbourne the best Therapy in Australia

Many people mistakenly refer to hypnotherapy as “alternative medicine”. In fact, it was first adopted as an “orthodox” medical treatment in 1892, by the British Medical Association. This was ratified again in 1955. The current accepted definition of a hypnotherapist is, “a therapist who utilizes hypnosis as a primary tool for assisting clients to achieve their goals. A hypnotherapist often differs from other therapists by focusing on the role of subconscious behaviors and influences on a client’s life”.Hypnotherapy has the ability to empower people to change their lives for the better; it is a proven and extremely effective solution for many problems.

A recent study (1) concluded that if a patient used treatment for their condition, in the form of medication (Valium, sleeping tablets, pain killers etc), targeted products (weight loss shakes, diet pills, nicotine patches etc), or “self-help” (books, tapes, exercise equipment etc), the initial success rate of these treatments was 27%. If hypnotherapy was included as part of the initial treatment, then the success rate more than doubled, to 74%. The study found that if a person was serious about wanting to take back control of their physical body, the best weapons they had was their own subconscious mind, and their hypnotherapist.

In order to access the subconscious in the best way for hypnotherapy to work, a person must be in a deep state of relaxation. When we are alert, our brain waves are known as Beta. During hypnotherapy, a person is gradually brought into a deeply relaxed state, generating brain waves known as Theta. This is where the subconscious functions, and accessing it directly via relaxation is the reason why hypnotherapy works. People are more receptive to ideas and suggestions while relaxed, sleeping, or in a trance.ImageImageImageImage

Lap Band Melbourne

We all know that if we eat less and exercise more we will be slimmer, fitter and healthier, so this programme that incorporates a Virtual Gastric Band and other mind management techniques is not a diet, it forms a habit in someone in a new direction, a habit that they can stick with so that there is no deprivation, they gain freedom from thinking about food all of the time, and eat consciously, listening to what the tummy is telling them as opposed to their eyes or head, the result, sustainable weight loss without dieting”.


Famous Clinical Hypnotherapy Melbourne

My name is Lucia Pietralunga and I am a fully qualified clinical hypnotherapist, counselor and a Reiki Master/Practitioner. I am a graduate of the Australian Government Accredited Academy of Hypnotic Science, and a current member of the Australian Hypnotherapist Association. I was suggested to try a course of hypnotherapy to help heal a past traumatic event in my own life. During the course of treatment I found my experience to be empowering and I believe it was the catalyst that helped me change my life forever. Hypnotherapy, self help and the power of our own mind became a passion of mine.

I am constantly reminded of the power of the individual’s mind as I help facilitate change in those who seek my services. I chose hypnotherapy, as my way to help people reconnect with their own inner strengths. I have assisted many people of all ages in making positive changes in their lives and I look forward to
the future.

We all have our own resources to help us heal, but often this ability is blocked by illness, pain, or trauma. Our own mind is one of the most powerful tools we possess to control pain, reduce illness, and overcome trauma. Unfortunately, in this hectic world it is all too easy to lose that natural ability, and instead we find ourselves constantly hurting, fighting stress, fatigue, addiction, pain, or worse. It’s a vicious, devastating cycle of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual imprisonment. Hypnotherapy has the ability to provide you with the resources you need to help you access your own inner power. Whether you need help with chronic pain, quitting cigarettes, managing weight, addictions or overcoming a traumatic event in your past. My goal is to help you attain the positive changes you want in your life. I look forward to meeting you.gastric_virtual_band_pic